November 14, 2012

The storm started dramatically, with a darkening of the kitchen and thunder that rattled the shutters. Rain spattered the windows as Dez put away the sketches that she and Abby had drawn, as she washed their plates and cups, scrubbing where Abby’s lipstick had left a stubborn mark. She had expected Abby’s visit to be cheerful, nostalgic, a little gossipy. She had even expected a bit of envy—she was, after all, married and living in a fine house with a studio of her own. Instead, Abby had turned her unimpressed eye on Asa; she had made sly remarks about Jacob.


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  • Lisa Ahn November 25, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    I love this series. This image captures the mood of the passage so well. I remember that scene and Dez’s rising discontent, sticky like that stubborn lipstick.

    • Maryanne November 27, 2012 at 3:51 pm

      Thanks! I like matching images with select lines.